Join The Club And Get 10% Off
Your Regular Fragrance Purchases

Simply complete the form below, we will then contact you via email with your discount code after you order your next fragrance.

We will also offer you a “reminder to re-order” option, this will enable you to sit back and relax while we remember to re-order for you before you run out.

Based on the dates you choose we will contact you when your next order is due and when you re-order, you will get a 10% discount.

We can set up multiple reminders to re-order, for example, you can order your favourite scent every 3 months and a second favourite every 5 months.

This can also be used for future events such as birthdays and seasonal gifts, so you never forget that special person's present.  Just tell us when we email you and we do all the rest.

There is no obligation to re-order and no charges to your account without your prior knowledge and acceptance.  This is just a reminder service as a valued Homestyle member so that you never run out of your favourite fragrances.

Offer also applies if you "Pre-order" your fragrance.

*Subject to stock, don't worry there is no cost, its free and is intended to save you money on your fragrances.
Header image
Jimmy Choo Illicit FlowerCalvin Klein EternityHugo Boss Extreme

People Blossom With The Right Fragrance

Get 10% Off Your Regular Fragrance Purchase.
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